I aspire to be like Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones. Don't judge me
Because Cersei deserved a walk of fame, not a walk of shame.

The Game of Thrones Season 7 is all set to premiere after a long wait. As much as that makes me happy, the fact that this might just be the second-last season of my favourite fantasy drama is making my heart sink.
What's adding further to that sinking feeling is the fact that this season might mark the end of my favourite character from the series according to various fan theories. No, I am not talking about Tyrion. Oh, come on! He's everyone's favourite, but my choice is just as eccentric as the series itself.
I am talking about Cersei Lannister, the Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, and rightfully so. Now, you might hate her for being behind Ned Stark's death, for torturing Sansa Stark or for being madly in love with her own brother Jaime, but the fact is that I love her nonetheless. Because you know what? She has some really badass qualities that the world doesn't pay much attention to.
For starters, the woman doesn't give a flying f***k about how powerful the person standing in front of her is. If she doesn't like him/her, she just won't fake it--SIMPLE.
She is not a people pleaser and does what she wants to do any way. Isn't that such a rare quality to possess in today's time?
Her iconic eye rolls pretty much sum up my reactions to almost everything is life. So, she's way more relatable than an idealistic woman preaching some principles of goodness.
After all, goodness is so overrated and bad-assery is so underrated. Looking at Cersei dominating the men like a boss without ever getting intimidated is a zillion times more satisfying than watching Sansa Stark get justice, or watching Khaleesi take the Iron throne, to be honest.
She may not be a believer of 'live and let live'; but she definitely
lives by the motto of 'drink and let drink', if you know what I mean.
You can judge her for incest all you want. But she is fiercely loyal to those handful of people close to her and would go to any extent to protect them. So you know what? She's got her priorities sorted in life.
And I absolutely love her for that.
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