My best friend is a guy and yes, we are JUST FRIENDS
Breaking news: A connection devoid of lust is a bona fide bond. It's called friendship.

It dates back to 2009, when fresh out of a convent, I joined my new 'high-end', co-ed school and felt as lost as Abhimanyu from Student of the Year, or worse--like the completely sidelined Sudo. So after an outlandish first day (that involved a classmate throwing a paper ball on me, with lines drawn all over the crushed paper--"Tujh pe line maar raha tha", he said), I came across this guy in my class whose body language screamed decency--decency in capital latters. Bold and underlined too!
We slowly hit it off and there's been no looking back ever since. That's how I found my BFF. And yes, he's a boy.
Actually, Calling Him My Best Friend is an Understatement
Ever heard of the term 'soul mate'? That's exactly what he is to me. He is my safety net and knows me enough to predict my reactions to any situation in the world--basically he can write a book on me. But before you jump to the conclusion that he's the Jai to my Aditi from Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na, let me be a little more conspicuous about the dynamics of our relationship.
For Starters, He Doesn't Make Me Go Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
Even my evidently obvious obsession with Bollywood dramas can't stop me from blaming them for shamelessly exploiting the idea of guy-girl friendships eventually evolving into romantic interests. I've been best friends with him since almost eight years now, and guess what? I am still waiting for that "eventually" to happen.
Contrary to Popular Belief, He's Not the Uday Chopra to My Dhoom
Presumably, in everyone's eyes, we'll always be dating, no matter what we say otherwise. But much to everyone's disappointment, there's no one-sided love or hooking-up-in-vulnerable-times situations happening here; not because we're asexual as a Komodo dragon, but because we simply aren't romantically inclined or attracted to each other. So why do we go on for movie and lunches "dates"? Simply because we're movie buffs and big foodies, what else, man? So peeps, please save us the horror of your we-know-it-all-smiles.
Dear Mr Mohnish Bahl, "Ladka-Ladki Dost Ho Sakte Hain". Period.
Here is what it takes: two human beings from the very same planet as yours, with a natural connection and understanding, no romantic inclination at any point, each other's best interests at heart. And boom! A real friendship is ready.
No Barriers: He's Literally My Human Diary
To whoever said friendship with a member of the opposite sex comes with certain restrictions, booyah! Now obviously he's least interested in knowing what Naina said to Sunaina or what Megha wore to Sumegha's boyfriend's college friend's, cousin's, childhood buddy's party. Nor am I interested in deets about the war between Samsung and Apple (for all I know, apple is a fruit that keeps the doctor away, and if you go too deep into technology talks, it can also keep the girls away). But hello, being there for each other unconditionally isn't just a phrase reserved for birthday cards right?
Did Someone Just Say "Insecurity"?
There's a certain sense of security that comes with your friendship emerging stronger after overcoming all odds. So where does the question of insecurity even arise from? If at all, we'll only be happy if either of us finds a special someone. "Thank God, peecha chhoota", he would say, in all probability.
I am not talking about our dating future here, but each other's. Unfortunately, more often than not, we don't only scrutinize each other's potential partners, we unintentionally shoo them away even before things take off--all thanks to our protective nature. Also, if I make him meet a guy, he can totally tell if he smells like trouble for me and vice-versa. That can be a bit too much for the potential suitor. For all it's worth, it saves you the pain of seeing your best friend hurt.
Yes, we have both had our share of heartbreaks, but everything ultimately spirals down to this one true fact: in this big, bad world, we've got each other's back--come what may.
And no matter how filmy this sounds but one day, we both will find someone who loves us enough to understand how important our friendship is to us and accepts us whole-heartedly. Until then, as I always say, men will come and men will go, but my best friend will remain forever.
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