I would much rather have tinda and lauki than date again
In fact, chewing them raw minus the salt, masala, and lemon too is a better idea than dating.

You know what's the most obvious or maybe the most common thing to do after a break up? Going on Tinder or going crazy socializing to find yourself a rebound. To some a new guy is a distraction, to some falling in love within a day of their break up is just as natural as armpit hair. But to me the idea of dating ever again is no less than intentional food poisoning where you consume the seemingly delicious street food in spite of knowing that it'll ruin your health. But you do it anyway.
You can blame your mother for it though. Because there's a limit to which you can put up with the hospital-like ghiya-tinda-tori lunch menu at home. So you have no option but to look outside for better food. But you know what? I'd much rather let my taste buds suffer than let my heart go through the pain.
Also read: 5 types of men you should avoid like the plague in 2017.
Not that I think all these green and sick vegetables are even close to being bearable, but at least you are sure of the fact that they won't get into your system and destroy you left, right, and centre. No matter how much you frown while gulping them down your throat, all they'll ever do is give you a glowing skin and a healthy digestive system. Unlike a guy who seems to make your life complete only to burn a big, fat hole in it later. Plus, tinda doesn't lie.
You could say that I am once bitten and twice shy'? But being the extremist that I am in life, for me it's all about being once bitten, (make that bitten hard in the ass) and a gazillion times shy--so shy that I refuse to come out of my ghoonghat of single hood any time soon.
Blame my bitterness for relationships on the excess of the bitter tinda in my system, but the truth is that till the time I don't find my butter chicken, I am not settling for any roadside shahi paneer made of rotten tomatoes. Until then, I shall make do with the tasteless but healthy tinda, that is my single hood. You get the drift, right?
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