While the whole world lusts after Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones, I say Tyrion is the man of my dreams
Because he drinks and he knows everything!

They say, the Northern Hemisphere has four astronomical seasons: The spring, the summer, the fall, and the winter. I say, the overdose of science has made them forget about the most important season of the year: The Game of Thrones season. Or maybe, they just end up confusing it with winter.
Anyway, after a long wait, it's that time of the year again. For the rest of the world, it might just be about unveiling mysteries and watching the intense political battle, but for me, it's the season of love and all things romantic. If only they could have released the Game of Thrones Season 7 during the Valentine's week because I just can't stop drooling over this very enticing man from the House Lannister.
You must be assuming that I am taking about the very handsome Kingslayer Jaime Lannister. But it's his dwarf brother Tyrion, who makes my heart beat faster. And here's why I am absolutely head over heels in love with him:
With Him By My Side, I can Give Tough Competition To Bappi Da
Not To Mention Those Romantic Wine Dates
Tyrion's immense love for wine is known to one and all. But, from how I see it, dating a guy like him means loads of those romantic dinners and chilling over wine. How dreamy is that!
Because Size is Just a Number
Lord Varys once said, "A very small man can cast a very large shadow." I couldn't agree more. How can you forget about Tyrion leading the defense during the Battle of Blackwater and saving King's Landing? This man has got what it takes. If he can save the city, he can most definitely take care of a woman, unlike his brother, who keeps setting out on silly journeys and leaving his sister-cum-girlfriend all alone all the frickin' time.
Unlike brother Jaime, who lost one of his hand while trying to save Brienne of Tarth. So, Tyrion literally has an upper 'hand' in this case, if you know what I mean.
It's Brains Over 'Beauty' For Me
Tyrion's sharp personality and presence of mind is just about enough to overpower the charm of his tall, dark, and handsome brother.
Also, Loyalty Over Looks
Dating Tyrion means peace of mind. With him by my side, I won't feel intimidated by his cunning sister. Also, his loyalty to his ladylove Shae and now to the Khaleesi is proof that he's a committed man. Moreover, Tyrion has his priorities sorted unlike Jaime, who still can't choose between his sister Cersei and his crush for Brienne of Tarth.
Tyrion on the other hand, has no crushes. He just crushes the world with his intelligence. Hence he's my ideal man.
Also read: World's last male white northern rhino joins Tinder; I would much rather date him than human males.
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